Thoughts To Ponder
Thoughts to ponder...
“The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers. Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.” 1 Peter 4:7-9
Peter says here that we should always be listening for the sound of the trumpet, and because we are, that has an effect on our behavior with ourselves and others. We are to us our faith as the guide for our lives, and not give in to every whim and desire. That is really hard to do most days of the years, but especially at the holiday time of the year. Some people let things slide because “it is the holidays” and I am speaking not just of the calories we might want to consume.
The other thing about being ‘self-controlled and sober-minded’ has to do with your prayers. Please remember that God knows everything about you, and if your attitude toward to your thinking and treatment of other people is contrary to God’s will, He will act in your life to get you attention to return to a humble life. Many places in the Old Testament God was upset with ‘stiff-necked people.’ God is gracious, yes, and He also loves us enough to teach us lessons like any good parent will do with their rebellious child. Some call it natural consequences.
The help for us here is the next idea - ‘keep loving one another earnestly.’ The idea of the original Greek for ‘earnestly’ is to stretch out yourself towards the other person. The idea that we are to ‘stretch’ toward understanding and/or helping someone may seem like work, but that is because it is work. God wants us to use our faith to bless and encourage one another. God is always about relationships, and healing hurts in our hearts. That is why He sent His Son. God stretched Himself for our sake, We can do that for each other this holiday season.
Pastor Russ
“The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers. Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.” 1 Peter 4:7-9
Peter says here that we should always be listening for the sound of the trumpet, and because we are, that has an effect on our behavior with ourselves and others. We are to us our faith as the guide for our lives, and not give in to every whim and desire. That is really hard to do most days of the years, but especially at the holiday time of the year. Some people let things slide because “it is the holidays” and I am speaking not just of the calories we might want to consume.
The other thing about being ‘self-controlled and sober-minded’ has to do with your prayers. Please remember that God knows everything about you, and if your attitude toward to your thinking and treatment of other people is contrary to God’s will, He will act in your life to get you attention to return to a humble life. Many places in the Old Testament God was upset with ‘stiff-necked people.’ God is gracious, yes, and He also loves us enough to teach us lessons like any good parent will do with their rebellious child. Some call it natural consequences.
The help for us here is the next idea - ‘keep loving one another earnestly.’ The idea of the original Greek for ‘earnestly’ is to stretch out yourself towards the other person. The idea that we are to ‘stretch’ toward understanding and/or helping someone may seem like work, but that is because it is work. God wants us to use our faith to bless and encourage one another. God is always about relationships, and healing hurts in our hearts. That is why He sent His Son. God stretched Himself for our sake, We can do that for each other this holiday season.
Pastor Russ
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