The Apostle Philip


Greetings in the Name of our Lord and King, Jesus Christ.  During this time of the Church year when the focus is on the light of God's grace shining forth into the world, we see in the apostle Philip a sincere love for the lost which moves him to show forth God's love to the world.

Of all the apostles of our Lord, it could rightly be said that Philip was quiet and reserved and as such he was one who people could comfortably communicate with.  Some have said that Philip lacked boldness.  While it is hard to say much concerning this apostle's personality, we can speak where Scripture speaks and in what God's Word reveals he was a faithful servant of God and apostle of our Lord.

Philip was born in the town of Bethsaida of Galilee.  Bethsaida was a town located on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee.  It was a twin city to Capernaum, and both were not much more than fishing villages.  Bethsaida was also the home of the apostle Peter and his brother, the apostle Andrew.  We saw last week that Andrew was one of the first of all the apostles to see Jesus as the Messiah.  Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist and when he heard John point Jesus out as the "Lamb of God" he immediately followed Him.  The other disciple of John the Baptist who was with Andrew is believed to be Philip.  This is seen in the Gospel according to John when the following day Jesus was seeking out Philip with the words, "Follow Me!"  

It is important that when Jesus called Philip to follow Him, that is just what Philip did.  Jesus had called Andrew the day before.  Andrew quickly went and found his brother Simon (Peter) and they followed Jesus.  This following of Andrew and Peter was short lived for the next time we see them in Scripture they are back in their boats continuing their trade as fishermen.  On the other hand, when Jesus calls Philip he at once finds another, Nathaniel, then follows Jesus.  Never do we see Philip having to be called again.  Once Jesus spoke the words "Follow Me" Philip was with Jesus.  Later when Jesus chose from all His followers the twelve to be Apostles, Philip was among them.  If you look through the Gospels at the listing of the disciples, Philip's name is always listed fourth after Peter, Andrew, James, and John.  

It is also an important point to note that what we see in Philip's life is true of our own lives.  Philip did not seek Jesus but rather it was the other way around.  Jesus sought Philip.  So also today, Jesus is the One who seeks.  He seeks those who are lost, and He calls them with the same words, "Follow Me!"

There are a few events in the Gospel accounts in which we see Philip figuring prominently.  The first is immediately following his call.  He first seeks out Nathaniel and in his words to him reveals who he understands Jesus to be.  "We have found Him of whom Moses in the Law and also the Prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph" (Jn. 1:45).  Later we see that when the crowds were in need of food and Jesus desired to feed them it was to Philip that we see Him speak, "Where are we to buy bread, that these may eat?" (Jn. 6:5)  John also records that these words were spoken to Philip by Jesus to test him.  This is a mark of a good teacher, the Master Teacher, to question and test and cause faith to grow.  Then there is the account of the Gentile Greeks who wanted to see Jesus.  It was to Philip that they came with their request, "Sir, we would see Jesus" (Jn 12:21).  The reason for their approaching Philip could be the fact that "Philip" is a Greek name and not Jewish.  While this could be, we do know that Philip was Jewish and not Greek.  It was not uncommon for children to be named after the ruler of a province.  When the apostle Philip was born, Philip the Tetrarch ruled in Galilee.  More likely the reason the Greeks came to Philip is that they were not intimidated by him as they might have been with one such as Peter.  Philip was approachable and when they came, he and Andrew took the Greeks to Jesus.

Philip was also a student who desired to learn.  When Jesus spoke of seeing the Father in Him, Philip did not understand and asked the question, "Show us the Father" (Jn. 14:8).  While Jesus responds stating Philip should know the answer already, we see in Philip a desire to know the things he does not understand, the deep things of God.

Let us not forget what else we know about Philip.  He was in the garden when the mob came with clubs and torches.  He was with the other ten as they fled and left Jesus alone.  He hid in the upper room for the three days Jesus lay in the tomb.  He was there on that first Easter evening when Jesus appeared and spoke the words, "Peace be with you."  He was also present on the day of Pentecost and a tongue of fire rested on Philip's head along with the others as he proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Tradition holds that Philip moved to the northern provinces of Asia and ministered there until being martyred in A.D. 54.  It is said that Philip was scourged, imprisoned, and then crucified in the town of Heliopolis in Phrygia, Asia.  

What we can learn from Philip and his life are the following.  First, Jesus sought him and when he was found he never turned away.  The words "Follow Me" meant for Philip a lifelong journey.  Second, Philip never stopped being a student of the Great Teacher.  Always asking, always seeking more understanding, always growing.  So may we be!  Finally, Philip was approachable.  People saw him as sincere and caring.  A man they were comfortable coming to with their questions.  May we all seek to foster such an attitude of approachableness than others might seek from us what we have to give in Christ.

Blessings on your Week,
Pastor Russ

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