Gender Roles in Christianity
Greetings! Welcome to the new year! We begin this year with the most challenging of all the topics we have addressed! May God give us wisdom and insight to understand His Word and follow His will!
Let’s throw it out there and see where it all falls!
As in all the churches of the saints, the women should be silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak, but are to submit themselves, as the law also says. If they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home, since it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church. Or did the word of God originate from you, or did it come to you only? 1 Corinthians 14:34-36
This same teaching is given to Timothy as he is teaching the church where he was serving, Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. (1 Timothy 2:11-12)
What exactly does Paul think of women? Does he still think as the Jewish world did, that a woman was of no value unless she could give birth to sons? Or had he advanced to the pagan understanding that women were able to do anything and everything a man could do in society? Had he not yet reached the place where Jesus was? The place where men and women share equality? Or is Paul simply to be regarded as a chauvinist, as he has been by so many people throughout the last century?
There has never been an age in the Church where the understanding that men serve as the clergy of the Church has been challenged as there has been in the last 100 years. More precisely, the last 75 years following World War 2. The rise of the higher critical method of interpretation of Scripture has opened the door for all manner of false teachings and erroneous understandings. The moment you throw out the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture you open the door for everything!
Basically, the belief is that Paul was a slave to the cultural ideology of his day and that we have advanced beyond Paul’s archaic beliefs. So, in the 1960’s we turned from the authority of Scripture. In the 1970’s women entered into the ranks of the clergy! In the 1980’s – 2000’s social justice became the norm, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the salvation of the world took a back seat. Then in the 1st quarter of the 21st century social justice has moved the church to accept everything from abortion to gay marriage! Onward to gay clergy! Paul’s chauvinistic believes have been left far behind.
The truth is Paul was not a chauvinist! He embraced the women who served along side of him in various forms of ministry, but not in the role of prophet/preacher/pastor. He would have known the women who aided Jesus in His ministry. Many of the women who were accepted, forgiven, and blessed by Jesus went on to become missionaries in other parts of the world. This list would even include the woman at the well in Sychar, who history reveals served the Gospel ministry for years after her conversion. Lydia, the seller of purple, hosted the church in her home.
Over the years a fallible argument has been set up, a straw man of sorts! Men can be clergy and women cannot! Or if we truly believe in equality, then both men and women can be clergy. Since the argument is fallible the outcome is flawed!
It is not a male – female issue! It is a called of God issue! The moment someone says only men can be clergy the belief is that any man can simply fill the role! After all, there are a lot of good public speakers out there! But this is wrong! Not any man can be the preacher/pastor of a church. Only those whom God calls can serve as a pastor in the church. This call takes place in various ways and at various times, but it always includes both clergy and laity affirming the working of God in a man’s life.
Following the Order of Creation which Paul addressed earlier in this letter, Adam was created first and then Eve from Adam. It is not an issue of equality! God gave both Adam and Eve dominion over all the earth. It is not about equality but difference. Adam was created in the image of God! He was created first as God’s representative and then Eve was created as Adam’s companion. She was in no way inferior to Adam. She was however different.
In our world there is a push to say men and women are equal and thus the same. Are they equal? Yes! Are they the same? NO! And thank God they are not! A man bears the image of God in a unique way as only a man can! A woman does the same! A woman bears the image of God in a way a man never could, no matter how much makeup or dresses he wears.
The man reveals God as a courageous, leader, warrior, provider and protector God! This is what is needed in the Church as the shepherd leads the flock. It is the man who is the first and clearest representation of this aspect of God’s image who is called and raised up to serve as the pastor/shepherd of the flock/church. This in no way demeans or nullifies the role and service of women in the church. The Church would not exist if it were not for the women throughout history who kept the faith alive. They are just not chosen to serve as the clergy. Nor is every man, but only the select few God calls and raises up for this purpose!
As a man, the pastor stands as the visible representation of Christ in the midst of His people. The man’s mouth speaks the word, but it is the Word of God. The man’s hands pour water, but it is the baptism of Christ and His action which saves. The hands of a man distribute bread and wine, but Christ is present to give Himself away. This is the role of the clergy, and it can only be truly fulfilled by the man God calls and raises up to represent Christ.
May God lead us to be faithful to His calling and may the clergy of our land once again embrace their true calling and stand boldly to speak for God!
In Christ,
Pastor Russ
Let’s throw it out there and see where it all falls!
As in all the churches of the saints, the women should be silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak, but are to submit themselves, as the law also says. If they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home, since it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church. Or did the word of God originate from you, or did it come to you only? 1 Corinthians 14:34-36
This same teaching is given to Timothy as he is teaching the church where he was serving, Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. (1 Timothy 2:11-12)
What exactly does Paul think of women? Does he still think as the Jewish world did, that a woman was of no value unless she could give birth to sons? Or had he advanced to the pagan understanding that women were able to do anything and everything a man could do in society? Had he not yet reached the place where Jesus was? The place where men and women share equality? Or is Paul simply to be regarded as a chauvinist, as he has been by so many people throughout the last century?
There has never been an age in the Church where the understanding that men serve as the clergy of the Church has been challenged as there has been in the last 100 years. More precisely, the last 75 years following World War 2. The rise of the higher critical method of interpretation of Scripture has opened the door for all manner of false teachings and erroneous understandings. The moment you throw out the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture you open the door for everything!
Basically, the belief is that Paul was a slave to the cultural ideology of his day and that we have advanced beyond Paul’s archaic beliefs. So, in the 1960’s we turned from the authority of Scripture. In the 1970’s women entered into the ranks of the clergy! In the 1980’s – 2000’s social justice became the norm, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the salvation of the world took a back seat. Then in the 1st quarter of the 21st century social justice has moved the church to accept everything from abortion to gay marriage! Onward to gay clergy! Paul’s chauvinistic believes have been left far behind.
The truth is Paul was not a chauvinist! He embraced the women who served along side of him in various forms of ministry, but not in the role of prophet/preacher/pastor. He would have known the women who aided Jesus in His ministry. Many of the women who were accepted, forgiven, and blessed by Jesus went on to become missionaries in other parts of the world. This list would even include the woman at the well in Sychar, who history reveals served the Gospel ministry for years after her conversion. Lydia, the seller of purple, hosted the church in her home.
Over the years a fallible argument has been set up, a straw man of sorts! Men can be clergy and women cannot! Or if we truly believe in equality, then both men and women can be clergy. Since the argument is fallible the outcome is flawed!
It is not a male – female issue! It is a called of God issue! The moment someone says only men can be clergy the belief is that any man can simply fill the role! After all, there are a lot of good public speakers out there! But this is wrong! Not any man can be the preacher/pastor of a church. Only those whom God calls can serve as a pastor in the church. This call takes place in various ways and at various times, but it always includes both clergy and laity affirming the working of God in a man’s life.
Following the Order of Creation which Paul addressed earlier in this letter, Adam was created first and then Eve from Adam. It is not an issue of equality! God gave both Adam and Eve dominion over all the earth. It is not about equality but difference. Adam was created in the image of God! He was created first as God’s representative and then Eve was created as Adam’s companion. She was in no way inferior to Adam. She was however different.
In our world there is a push to say men and women are equal and thus the same. Are they equal? Yes! Are they the same? NO! And thank God they are not! A man bears the image of God in a unique way as only a man can! A woman does the same! A woman bears the image of God in a way a man never could, no matter how much makeup or dresses he wears.
The man reveals God as a courageous, leader, warrior, provider and protector God! This is what is needed in the Church as the shepherd leads the flock. It is the man who is the first and clearest representation of this aspect of God’s image who is called and raised up to serve as the pastor/shepherd of the flock/church. This in no way demeans or nullifies the role and service of women in the church. The Church would not exist if it were not for the women throughout history who kept the faith alive. They are just not chosen to serve as the clergy. Nor is every man, but only the select few God calls and raises up for this purpose!
As a man, the pastor stands as the visible representation of Christ in the midst of His people. The man’s mouth speaks the word, but it is the Word of God. The man’s hands pour water, but it is the baptism of Christ and His action which saves. The hands of a man distribute bread and wine, but Christ is present to give Himself away. This is the role of the clergy, and it can only be truly fulfilled by the man God calls and raises up to represent Christ.
May God lead us to be faithful to His calling and may the clergy of our land once again embrace their true calling and stand boldly to speak for God!
In Christ,
Pastor Russ
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