God is Faithful
Greetings and may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ fill you with both joy and assurance on this day.
Paul has gone to great lengths since the beginning of this chapter to enable us to understand that just because we have experienced the great blessings of God in the past, we are not immune to the temptations the world casts before us today.
He began this chapter by recalling God’s presence with the Israelites as they departed Egypt. He was present, guiding and providing all they needed. Yet when they were camped at the mountain, they turned from Him to worship a golden calf. We are reminded of their discontent with God and their rebellion. We are witnesses, through faith, of their gross immorality and the judgment of God which was brought against them.
In each and every case the people believed they were justified in their actions. They believed they had a greater understanding than what had been given to them. They acted in prideful arrogance and suffered the consequences.
To all who would have the same attitude today, Paul says the following.
Therefore let the one who thinks he stands watch out that he does not fall. No temptation has overtaken you except something common to mankind; and God is faithful, so He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it. 1 Corinthians 10:12-13
We have seen this so many times, even in our own lifetime, that a person believes they are either above the laws and directives given to everyone else, or they have a superior understanding. Their heritage and service to the church gives them special privilege and they step away from the truth and fall with a great fall.
When Paul says No temptation has overtaken you except something common to mankind, he is simply stating that we are no different than the people who crossed through the parted waters of the Red Sea. We too have witnessed the great workings of God, and if we are honest, we have an even greater understanding of God’s grace and faithfulness. The temptation to trust in ourselves and our own wisdom tempts our hearts just as it did the people of God long ago. Satan is good at what he does, but he is not very original. Even in the garden as he began his deceptions, what was the temptation? Trust in yourself and your own understanding, and not the Word given by God.
Peter tells us of Satan’s activities when he writes, “Be serious! Be alert! Your adversary the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour.” 1 Peter 5:8 Our enemy is always on the prowl, searching for every opportunity to trip us up and make us stumble.
It is then that his real power is seen. Sin when it is born brings forth guilt, and guilt when it is full grown leads to despair. When a person’s heart is filled with both guilt and despair, the last thing that person wants to do is draw close to God. The feeling of worthlessness can lead a person to turn from and run from God just like Adam and Eve did in the Garden.
But what does Paul say to assure us? God is faithful! If there are three words written in Scripture which can bring comfort to a troubled heart it is the statement, God is faithful! We see this in the Garden when God goes to find Adam and Eve. We see it throughout the numerous times in the Old Testament when God forgives and restores His wayward, sinful people. God made the decision to love us and save us and He is faithful to His own promise, even when we are unfaithful.
Another way of understanding this is that God’s love for us is not swayed or deterred by our sinfulness. He made a choice and a promise to love and save us, and this action on the part of God is not based on us, but on the truth of who He is as God eternal.
What is the way of escape God has provided which Paul speaks of? It is the way of the Cross, the way of faith, the way of the Spirit. God is present with us, and He promises to support, guide, comfort, and restore us even when we fail. He said He will never leave us, and He is faithful to His promise.
May we who are the recipients of so many great and wonderous blessings of God stand strong on the promises God has made to us. We can do this because God has demonstrated throughout all the history of this world that He is faithful!
Pastor Russ
Paul has gone to great lengths since the beginning of this chapter to enable us to understand that just because we have experienced the great blessings of God in the past, we are not immune to the temptations the world casts before us today.
He began this chapter by recalling God’s presence with the Israelites as they departed Egypt. He was present, guiding and providing all they needed. Yet when they were camped at the mountain, they turned from Him to worship a golden calf. We are reminded of their discontent with God and their rebellion. We are witnesses, through faith, of their gross immorality and the judgment of God which was brought against them.
In each and every case the people believed they were justified in their actions. They believed they had a greater understanding than what had been given to them. They acted in prideful arrogance and suffered the consequences.
To all who would have the same attitude today, Paul says the following.
Therefore let the one who thinks he stands watch out that he does not fall. No temptation has overtaken you except something common to mankind; and God is faithful, so He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it. 1 Corinthians 10:12-13
We have seen this so many times, even in our own lifetime, that a person believes they are either above the laws and directives given to everyone else, or they have a superior understanding. Their heritage and service to the church gives them special privilege and they step away from the truth and fall with a great fall.
When Paul says No temptation has overtaken you except something common to mankind, he is simply stating that we are no different than the people who crossed through the parted waters of the Red Sea. We too have witnessed the great workings of God, and if we are honest, we have an even greater understanding of God’s grace and faithfulness. The temptation to trust in ourselves and our own wisdom tempts our hearts just as it did the people of God long ago. Satan is good at what he does, but he is not very original. Even in the garden as he began his deceptions, what was the temptation? Trust in yourself and your own understanding, and not the Word given by God.
Peter tells us of Satan’s activities when he writes, “Be serious! Be alert! Your adversary the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour.” 1 Peter 5:8 Our enemy is always on the prowl, searching for every opportunity to trip us up and make us stumble.
It is then that his real power is seen. Sin when it is born brings forth guilt, and guilt when it is full grown leads to despair. When a person’s heart is filled with both guilt and despair, the last thing that person wants to do is draw close to God. The feeling of worthlessness can lead a person to turn from and run from God just like Adam and Eve did in the Garden.
But what does Paul say to assure us? God is faithful! If there are three words written in Scripture which can bring comfort to a troubled heart it is the statement, God is faithful! We see this in the Garden when God goes to find Adam and Eve. We see it throughout the numerous times in the Old Testament when God forgives and restores His wayward, sinful people. God made the decision to love us and save us and He is faithful to His own promise, even when we are unfaithful.
Another way of understanding this is that God’s love for us is not swayed or deterred by our sinfulness. He made a choice and a promise to love and save us, and this action on the part of God is not based on us, but on the truth of who He is as God eternal.
What is the way of escape God has provided which Paul speaks of? It is the way of the Cross, the way of faith, the way of the Spirit. God is present with us, and He promises to support, guide, comfort, and restore us even when we fail. He said He will never leave us, and He is faithful to His promise.
May we who are the recipients of so many great and wonderous blessings of God stand strong on the promises God has made to us. We can do this because God has demonstrated throughout all the history of this world that He is faithful!
Pastor Russ
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