Church Anniversary
Happy Anniversary!
The word “Remember” occurs over 200 times in the Bible. The context always had to do with something which was significant! There are many times that we, as God’s people are told to remember. But it is also true that there are times when God pledges Himself to remember a significant event! When God remembers it is often in the context of a blessing coming from Him to us.
For example, when God sees a rainbow, He remembers His promise to never again destroy the world with a flood. God promised to remember the covenant He made with Abraham and his descendants. These and so many other times of remembering mark times which have brought the blessings of God to bear upon us.
We often remember specific times with an anniversary celebration. Churches are fond of having anniversary celebrations on significant years, such as 25, 50, 75, and 100. When a church has an anniversary celebration, the focus is generally one which recalls God’s faithfulness in the past and His promises for the future.
The same is true for a couple as they celebrate their wedding anniversary. It is a time to reflect and give thanks for the past and dream of the possibilities God will provide for the future. In fact, the very idea of an anniversary is defined as; a date that is remembered or celebrated because a notable event occurred on that date in a previous year.
The date was April 25th, 2021. The world was still struggling with COVID but the longs months of lockdowns and closures were finally over. Several months of planning finally came to fruition as a small group of faithful Christians gathered for worship in a new church they named Spirit and Truth. This group of excited and faithful Christians did not know exactly what to expect or what to do because the world was vastly different post-Covid than it had been before. All they knew is that God was calling them to step out in faith and they did so boldly!
Today marks two years since that first worship service! There have been many changes over these first two years. Some have left us for unforeseen reasons. Some have passed and we have grieved together. Many new people have come into our lives, and we have been blessed.
While a two year anniversary may not sound all that impressive, we have seen God’s faithfulness every step of the way and this gives us reason to celebrate. What we said when we began Spirit and Truth is that it would be about Jesus and the Bible, and we didn’t need any thing else! We have held onto this basic foundational belief, and God has been faithful to provide all we need.
As we move into our third year, I pray you will take a moment to reflect on the past and give thanks to God for His faithfulness. Then with excitement filling your heart because of what God has promised, commit yourself to walk forward as He leads us into a future filled with His blessings.
May you be blessed and may Spirit and Truth be a beacon for Christ in our world.
With God’s richest blessings,
Pastor Russ
The word “Remember” occurs over 200 times in the Bible. The context always had to do with something which was significant! There are many times that we, as God’s people are told to remember. But it is also true that there are times when God pledges Himself to remember a significant event! When God remembers it is often in the context of a blessing coming from Him to us.
For example, when God sees a rainbow, He remembers His promise to never again destroy the world with a flood. God promised to remember the covenant He made with Abraham and his descendants. These and so many other times of remembering mark times which have brought the blessings of God to bear upon us.
We often remember specific times with an anniversary celebration. Churches are fond of having anniversary celebrations on significant years, such as 25, 50, 75, and 100. When a church has an anniversary celebration, the focus is generally one which recalls God’s faithfulness in the past and His promises for the future.
The same is true for a couple as they celebrate their wedding anniversary. It is a time to reflect and give thanks for the past and dream of the possibilities God will provide for the future. In fact, the very idea of an anniversary is defined as; a date that is remembered or celebrated because a notable event occurred on that date in a previous year.
The date was April 25th, 2021. The world was still struggling with COVID but the longs months of lockdowns and closures were finally over. Several months of planning finally came to fruition as a small group of faithful Christians gathered for worship in a new church they named Spirit and Truth. This group of excited and faithful Christians did not know exactly what to expect or what to do because the world was vastly different post-Covid than it had been before. All they knew is that God was calling them to step out in faith and they did so boldly!
Today marks two years since that first worship service! There have been many changes over these first two years. Some have left us for unforeseen reasons. Some have passed and we have grieved together. Many new people have come into our lives, and we have been blessed.
While a two year anniversary may not sound all that impressive, we have seen God’s faithfulness every step of the way and this gives us reason to celebrate. What we said when we began Spirit and Truth is that it would be about Jesus and the Bible, and we didn’t need any thing else! We have held onto this basic foundational belief, and God has been faithful to provide all we need.
As we move into our third year, I pray you will take a moment to reflect on the past and give thanks to God for His faithfulness. Then with excitement filling your heart because of what God has promised, commit yourself to walk forward as He leads us into a future filled with His blessings.
May you be blessed and may Spirit and Truth be a beacon for Christ in our world.
With God’s richest blessings,
Pastor Russ
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