Rev. Russell Nebhut
Head Pastor
Pastor Russ was born in Gainesville, TX and grew up in Garland, TX. He attended Dallas Christian College where he graduated salutatorian of his class. Upon graduation from college, he attended Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, graduating with a Master of Divinity degree in 1992. Pastor Russ then served congregations in northern Minnesota, central Texas, and west Texas. He has served congregations in west Texas since 2008. In each community where he has lived, Pastor Russ has endeavored to connect with the needs of the people and provide leadership and support to others. He is an advocate to those who have suffered at the hands of an abuser, be it adults suffering abuse or children who have suffered harm. His goal in life is to live into the reality that God walks with us in this life through all the struggles and hardships, until the day comes when we walk with Him. He is married to Stephanie and their five children range in age from 21-32.

Bobby Vandenburg
Associate Minister
I was born in El Paso TX, on September 26, 1963. I have 5 sisters and 2 brothers. I am also the father of 2 sons and 1 daughter, and grandfather to 8 grandchildren. Up until the age of 40 I walked this earth in darkness and believed that I was unforgiven and would die that way. That was until I found my little red pen. I asked for a sign, and believe now that in that moment I was in the presence of our Lord. I heard His words and felt His embrace. I chose that day to give my heart and make it my life's mission to serve Him. I believe I was forgiven. My sins were great but His love for me is greater, Amen. In my employment with the West Texas Food Bank, I serve the Lord, and pass His lessons of the Gospel to those who will hear me and are within our reach. Often times, in Spanish. I look forward to serving our Lord Jesus Christ in our new church, Spirit and Truth, where you will feel God's Spirit and hear the Truth of His Word spoken. Amen. See you all in church!