Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
As a new mission church, the members of Spirit and Truth are seeking to impact our community with the love of God in Christ. It is in the tangible expression of love that the heart of God is most clearly seen. To this end we have ongoing mission activities planned which offer opportunities for our members to reach out into our community and share Christ with others.
Back To School Backpack Giveaway
Each year we host a Back-To-School Backpack Giveaway. This event provides backpacks and school supplies to Reagan Elementary children. Reagan is the closest elementary school to our church.
Gingerbread Extravaganza
The Annual Gingerbread Extravaganza, which is held each December, is an opportunity to invite community members to our church for a time of fun and fellowship. This offers a no pressure experience for those who are know very little about church.
Lunch With A Purpose
Each month the member of Spirit and Truth host a luncheon at the Barn Door in Odessa. Special guests are invited to share information about upcoming events in our community, Crisis situations which have occurred, and information about ministry opportunities. This monthly luncheon provides an opportunity for people to be informed and proactive in our community.
Operation Christmas Child
One of the blessings of being the church is that we do not have to reinvent the wheel every time we desire to do something. Operation Christmas Child is a national event which provides gifts for underprivileged children around the world. We are honored to be able to participate in this program.
Emmaus Community
The local Emmaus Community “Rainbows End” currently meets at Spirit and Truth Church in Odessa. The Emmaus Community hosts annual “walks” for both men and women. There is no greater experience than an Emmaus Walk to give the opportunity for a Christian to grow in their faith and devotion to Christ.
Back To School Backpack Giveaway
Each year we host a Back-To-School Backpack Giveaway. This event provides backpacks and school supplies to Reagan Elementary children. Reagan is the closest elementary school to our church.
Gingerbread Extravaganza
The Annual Gingerbread Extravaganza, which is held each December, is an opportunity to invite community members to our church for a time of fun and fellowship. This offers a no pressure experience for those who are know very little about church.
Lunch With A Purpose
Each month the member of Spirit and Truth host a luncheon at the Barn Door in Odessa. Special guests are invited to share information about upcoming events in our community, Crisis situations which have occurred, and information about ministry opportunities. This monthly luncheon provides an opportunity for people to be informed and proactive in our community.
Operation Christmas Child
One of the blessings of being the church is that we do not have to reinvent the wheel every time we desire to do something. Operation Christmas Child is a national event which provides gifts for underprivileged children around the world. We are honored to be able to participate in this program.
Emmaus Community
The local Emmaus Community “Rainbows End” currently meets at Spirit and Truth Church in Odessa. The Emmaus Community hosts annual “walks” for both men and women. There is no greater experience than an Emmaus Walk to give the opportunity for a Christian to grow in their faith and devotion to Christ.