Witness For Jesus
Grace and peace to you as the people of God in our world today. Please remember to pray for all our children as they start back to school this week. There are many negative influences on them as they grow. Pray that the positive influences are those which impact their lives. Also, please remember to pray for all the school teachers who are Christians. God has placed them in a unique position to be used by Him in great ways.
As we moved very close to the end of the first chapter of Philippians, we come to an exhortation of Paul concerning the life of the Christians in Philippi and the struggles they are facing. Hear what he says to them.
Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or remain absent, I will hear about you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the Gospel; 28 and in no way alarmed by your opponents—which is a sign of destruction for them, but of salvation for you, and this too, from God. Philippians 1:27-28
There are two main areas of focus from Paul today! First is their conduct as believers in Jesus. Secondly is their faithful witness to the Gospel in the face of opposition.
If you have never been aware of this, please listen carefully, The world is not listening to what you say nearly as intensely as they are watching what you do. Your witness to Christ is far greater by the way you live as a child of God then the profession of your faith that others are privileged to hear.
Paul is in no way criticizing the Philippian Christians, but rather encouraging them to continue to live as he says, in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. What would this look like in day-to-day life?
We find it difficult to understand what it would be like to live in a city where temples were on every corner and it was expected that you would pay homage to the idols either in your offerings, your prayers, or possibly even something like burning incense. This was expected of all people concerning all the gods.
Imagine walking to the market to purchase food, and each day you pass by several idols. The priests of those temples watch you pass by day by day ignoring their idols, or should I say their gods. They began to call out to you asking you to pay homage to their gods, to worship them as is your duty. You politely turn away and continue on your journey, and this happens day after day. There would come a point where in their frustration they would begin to mock and ridicule you as an unbeliever because you do not worship the gods. When you tell them that you worship the one true God through Jesus Christ His Son you would be mocked as foolish.
The same individuals would also be watching your manner of life. The fact that you are not a drunkard, not covetous, not immoral, not hateful, coupled with the fact that you were generous, kind, open hearted, and open handed would lead them to question what kind of a person you are. It is their lack of understanding of your life which would open the way for their curiosity to know more about what you believe.
The world we live in is not so different. While the gods do not take the shape of birds or fish or superhumans, the people of our world today have their fair share of idols. Their lives are devoted to what they value most. When the people of our world see us living in a manner worthy of the Gospel, it opens the way for the same type of discussion. This is our most powerful witness.
I have already identified some types of opposition the people of Paul’s day would face, but what about us? Think about the culture we live in with the people around us. What is it that people live for? Where do they put their trust and their hope? For those that are younger generally it is running after the next thing which will bring excitement to their life. That could be the next run to the liquor store, a night out at the bar, are the next hot fling. It could also mean chasing after the gold ring, which we all know is a never ending pursuit. The words of Peter should always be held close to our heart; In all this, they are surprised that you do not run with them in the same excesses of debauchery, and they slander you; 1 Peter 4:4. The fact that we do not have these as the priority of our lives means that this is not a value to us, which the people of our society we'll look upon with questioning disdain.
As to the question of where people place their trust, the one obvious answer is in the government. There are people who live on government handouts as if it is owed to them, and those who believe the government will solve all of our problems. For anyone who has any common sense, we are quite aware that our government is a failed system. Without a very quick cleaning out, we are headed down the road to destruction. And then where will these people be? When the government has totally failed, and the things of this world are no longer available, where will they place their trust?
It is at that moment in their lives that they will remember what they saw in us, and the way is opened to witness of Jesus. Again, it is Peter who gives us direction for our lives in these opportune moments, but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, but with gentleness and respect; 1 Peter 3:15.
With excitement may we always give witness of Jesus both in what we say and in what we do!
In Christ,
Pastor Russ
As we moved very close to the end of the first chapter of Philippians, we come to an exhortation of Paul concerning the life of the Christians in Philippi and the struggles they are facing. Hear what he says to them.
Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or remain absent, I will hear about you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the Gospel; 28 and in no way alarmed by your opponents—which is a sign of destruction for them, but of salvation for you, and this too, from God. Philippians 1:27-28
There are two main areas of focus from Paul today! First is their conduct as believers in Jesus. Secondly is their faithful witness to the Gospel in the face of opposition.
If you have never been aware of this, please listen carefully, The world is not listening to what you say nearly as intensely as they are watching what you do. Your witness to Christ is far greater by the way you live as a child of God then the profession of your faith that others are privileged to hear.
Paul is in no way criticizing the Philippian Christians, but rather encouraging them to continue to live as he says, in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. What would this look like in day-to-day life?
We find it difficult to understand what it would be like to live in a city where temples were on every corner and it was expected that you would pay homage to the idols either in your offerings, your prayers, or possibly even something like burning incense. This was expected of all people concerning all the gods.
Imagine walking to the market to purchase food, and each day you pass by several idols. The priests of those temples watch you pass by day by day ignoring their idols, or should I say their gods. They began to call out to you asking you to pay homage to their gods, to worship them as is your duty. You politely turn away and continue on your journey, and this happens day after day. There would come a point where in their frustration they would begin to mock and ridicule you as an unbeliever because you do not worship the gods. When you tell them that you worship the one true God through Jesus Christ His Son you would be mocked as foolish.
The same individuals would also be watching your manner of life. The fact that you are not a drunkard, not covetous, not immoral, not hateful, coupled with the fact that you were generous, kind, open hearted, and open handed would lead them to question what kind of a person you are. It is their lack of understanding of your life which would open the way for their curiosity to know more about what you believe.
The world we live in is not so different. While the gods do not take the shape of birds or fish or superhumans, the people of our world today have their fair share of idols. Their lives are devoted to what they value most. When the people of our world see us living in a manner worthy of the Gospel, it opens the way for the same type of discussion. This is our most powerful witness.
I have already identified some types of opposition the people of Paul’s day would face, but what about us? Think about the culture we live in with the people around us. What is it that people live for? Where do they put their trust and their hope? For those that are younger generally it is running after the next thing which will bring excitement to their life. That could be the next run to the liquor store, a night out at the bar, are the next hot fling. It could also mean chasing after the gold ring, which we all know is a never ending pursuit. The words of Peter should always be held close to our heart; In all this, they are surprised that you do not run with them in the same excesses of debauchery, and they slander you; 1 Peter 4:4. The fact that we do not have these as the priority of our lives means that this is not a value to us, which the people of our society we'll look upon with questioning disdain.
As to the question of where people place their trust, the one obvious answer is in the government. There are people who live on government handouts as if it is owed to them, and those who believe the government will solve all of our problems. For anyone who has any common sense, we are quite aware that our government is a failed system. Without a very quick cleaning out, we are headed down the road to destruction. And then where will these people be? When the government has totally failed, and the things of this world are no longer available, where will they place their trust?
It is at that moment in their lives that they will remember what they saw in us, and the way is opened to witness of Jesus. Again, it is Peter who gives us direction for our lives in these opportune moments, but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, but with gentleness and respect; 1 Peter 3:15.
With excitement may we always give witness of Jesus both in what we say and in what we do!
In Christ,
Pastor Russ
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