Christ Is Exalted

We celebrate the victory together!

Three days passed and the time of suffering and humiliation was over. The resurrection, and thus the victory over death itself took hold and the future of all humanity was changed.  Everything which has happened with regard to the salvation of mankind has been the work of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Why should we believe that the resurrection would be any different?

The Bible declares that all three Persons of the Trinity were involved in Jesus’ resurrection. Galatians 1:1 says that the Father raised Jesus from the dead. First Peter 3:18 and Romans 8:11 say the Spirit raised Jesus from the dead, and in John 2:19 Jesus predicts that He will raise Himself from the dead (see also John 10:18). So, when we answer the question of who resurrected Jesus, we can say God did.  By that we can mean it was the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The humility by which Jesus set aside His eternal glory and power is now replaced with the honor bestowed on Him by the Father who rejoices in the Son forevermore.  Jesus is glorified with the glory which was rightfully His in eternity.  Now, the Father bestows great glory on Him for the victory He has won which has accomplished forgiveness for the children of God.

The song of glory to Jesus moves from humility and death to glory and honor.  For this reason also God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, 10 so that at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:9-11

Jesus is given the name which is above all names.  But do we see this in our world?  Absolutely not!  Today the name of Jesus is besmirched and made fun of.  There are those who slander the name of Jesus and many of those who do are the same people who call Him Savior.  (To claim Jesus as Savior and then to live in willful disobedient sin is to slander the name you claim.)

The text says that God has “highly exalted Him.”  This was prophesied in the Old Testament when David wrote in Psalm 110:1, The Lord says to my Lord: “Sit at My right hand Until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet.”  Christ is risen, ascended, and now glorified in heaven as the one who sits on the Father’s throne and rules over all as the One who has obtained the victory.

This victory which He has won for us who believe in Him is absolute.  So complete that we are told that even as Jesus reigns in glory, so we shall reign with Him.  “The one who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat with My Father on His throne” Revelation 3:21.  To sit upon the throne of God the Father with Jesus and share His glory! This is beyond anything we can fully comprehend.  Just like the Incarnation and the Trinity, it is one of the mysteries of God we have to wait and experience to even begin to understand.

The exaltation of Christ is complete and absolute!  Even to the point that those who have no faith in Him will acknowledge His Lordship.  Paul writes, EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.  

It is easy to understand all the host of heaven celebrating Jesus.  Both the angels who have known Him from eternity and the saints who have been redeemed by Him joyfully acknowledge His victory and His reign.  But what does it mean that those who are “under the earth” also bow the knee and confess Jesus as Lord?

What it means is that God is God and He will be acknowledged as God by those who love Him as well as by His enemies.  Do you think Satan will have the ability to stand in opposition to God when Judgment Day comes?  Will He be able to say to the demons, “Y’all go on ahead, I’m not going!” I think not!  Even the devil himself will be forced to bow before Jesus as the One who has won the victory.  Satan will acknowledge Jesus as Victor even if he must do it begrudgingly.  What is true for Satan is also true for every creature who finds themselves on the stinging side of judgment.  

What is amazing is that the Father is Himself glorified when Jesus is proclaimed as Lord of all. This is one more insight we can draw from to understand the relationship of the Persons of the Trinity.  Theirs is not a relationship based on authority and power but on mutual submission and love.  The Father did not pull rank on Jesus and command Him to be born, suffer, and die for humanity.  Jesus willingly humbled Himself out of love.  Love for the Father who grieved the loss of His children, and love for all of us who are the children He loves.  

There is no jealousy among the Father, Son, or Spirit!  There is a single desire to love one another fully and completely no matter what that means.  The exaltation of Jesus is to honor Jesus but in this the Father is glorified because love is the motivating force at work.  The Father loving the Son in response to the love the Son has given to the Father.  

I hope you can see that if this text truly is an early Church hymn, it is one which enabled the people of God to more fully grasp the love of God for each one of us and the love which exists in God Himself. What greater truth is there that the people of God could lift their voices and proclaim?

Blessings to you who are the beloved of God!

Pastor Russ

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