Carpe Diem
God’s grace and blessing be to you on this wonderful January day!
We have just come through the holiday season and the whole experience of Christmas was wonderful. The worship services with all the Christmas carols. The dinners and visits with friends, along with all the wonderful candies, cookies, and other treats. But nothing makes Christmas quite the same as having small children in your home. The excitement of Christmas is best seen in the eyes of our children which are filled with wonder and awe!
I remember what it was like to count the presents under the tree and wait anxiously for the day to finally arrive when I could tear into the gifts and fully realize what I had been given. As children we lived with an air of expectancy, an excitement over what is to be because we were sure of its existence.
In our text today, this is what the Apostle Paul is seeking to impress upon us. What is to be has not yet fully become but the time is drawing near when we will fully realize all we have hoped for! Hear what he says to us today.
But this I say, brothers, the time has been shortened, so that from now on those who have wives should be as though they had none; and those who weep, as though they did not weep; and those who rejoice, as though they did not rejoice; and those who buy, as though they did not possess; and those who use the world, as though they did not make full use of it; for the present form of this world is passing away. 1 Corinthians 7:29-31
While I don’t hear this very often, it was popular some time back to use the phrase “Carpe diem” or Seize the Day! The idea was to live each moment of your life to the fullest and make the most of the time you have in this world. Far too many people put off living for their dreams until a later date, which unfortunately never comes. A life lived never seeking to accomplish what your heart truly desires often results in coming to the end of life’s journey having a heart filled with regrets.
Paul is telling us to Seize the Day as a child of God in this world. Live each moment as if it were the last moment this world exists and live it for the Lord. While it is true that every generation of Christians has surveyed the landscape of society and the world and come to the conclusion that this must be the end times. Surely Jesus will come back before I die and go to heaven. Paul was no different! He saw what the world was like in his day, and he believed Jesus would be coming back very soon, so Carpe diem!
Two thousand years have come and gone, and Jesus has not returned. We have centuries of history which show us that society in general ebbs and flows from bad to good and back again. Solomon was correct when he said, “There is nothing new under the sun.” What one generation abhors the next generation will embrace. Mankind makes mistakes and then learns from them, but far too quickly the lessons are forgotten, and the same mistakes are repeated.
There is a danger in this for the Church. Christians in this world are used to experiencing this ebb and flow. We know the history and we have waited for Jesus to return but it has not yet happened. So, what do we do? We become comfortable in our life, and we lose the since of urgency. Seize the day becomes a quaint phrase which instills a warm comfortable emotion and nothing more.
Paul is in a since screaming at us to not lose sight of who we are for the time is short! Weather Jesus returns today or not, we need to realize that there are people in this world who are dying and going to hell because they do not have the forgiveness God has offered in Jesus. How it must break the heart of our Father when we who are Christians interact with unbelievers in this world, and never once mention Jesus. To know we were right there, and we could have shared God’s love in Christ, but instead we walked away, saying nothing. Then to know that the same person will pass away and be lost to the Father forever! What sadness must grip His heart.
Paul’s point is that regardless of your situation in life, understand your first calling in life is to represent Christ to the people of this world. As those who know the love of God in Christ, we must not allow ourselves to be lulled into complacency about our world. Regardless of the struggles our society is having, or the political fights taking place, one thing remains constant, God wants to save the lost. There is no other way the people of this world are going to receive eternal life if the Church of today does not tell them about Jesus.
So in conclusion, in the midst of everyday life where demands are made upon your time, where relationships bring joy and sadness, and where simply put, life happens. Never lose sight of who you are and Whose you are! You are a child of God redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ and restored to your heavenly Father. He loves you and He trusts you to be the one to save this generation because you are part of this generation. So, seize the day and live as if this was the last day this world will exist. Come on! Let’s see how many we can save! In Jesus name!
Pastor Russ
We have just come through the holiday season and the whole experience of Christmas was wonderful. The worship services with all the Christmas carols. The dinners and visits with friends, along with all the wonderful candies, cookies, and other treats. But nothing makes Christmas quite the same as having small children in your home. The excitement of Christmas is best seen in the eyes of our children which are filled with wonder and awe!
I remember what it was like to count the presents under the tree and wait anxiously for the day to finally arrive when I could tear into the gifts and fully realize what I had been given. As children we lived with an air of expectancy, an excitement over what is to be because we were sure of its existence.
In our text today, this is what the Apostle Paul is seeking to impress upon us. What is to be has not yet fully become but the time is drawing near when we will fully realize all we have hoped for! Hear what he says to us today.
But this I say, brothers, the time has been shortened, so that from now on those who have wives should be as though they had none; and those who weep, as though they did not weep; and those who rejoice, as though they did not rejoice; and those who buy, as though they did not possess; and those who use the world, as though they did not make full use of it; for the present form of this world is passing away. 1 Corinthians 7:29-31
While I don’t hear this very often, it was popular some time back to use the phrase “Carpe diem” or Seize the Day! The idea was to live each moment of your life to the fullest and make the most of the time you have in this world. Far too many people put off living for their dreams until a later date, which unfortunately never comes. A life lived never seeking to accomplish what your heart truly desires often results in coming to the end of life’s journey having a heart filled with regrets.
Paul is telling us to Seize the Day as a child of God in this world. Live each moment as if it were the last moment this world exists and live it for the Lord. While it is true that every generation of Christians has surveyed the landscape of society and the world and come to the conclusion that this must be the end times. Surely Jesus will come back before I die and go to heaven. Paul was no different! He saw what the world was like in his day, and he believed Jesus would be coming back very soon, so Carpe diem!
Two thousand years have come and gone, and Jesus has not returned. We have centuries of history which show us that society in general ebbs and flows from bad to good and back again. Solomon was correct when he said, “There is nothing new under the sun.” What one generation abhors the next generation will embrace. Mankind makes mistakes and then learns from them, but far too quickly the lessons are forgotten, and the same mistakes are repeated.
There is a danger in this for the Church. Christians in this world are used to experiencing this ebb and flow. We know the history and we have waited for Jesus to return but it has not yet happened. So, what do we do? We become comfortable in our life, and we lose the since of urgency. Seize the day becomes a quaint phrase which instills a warm comfortable emotion and nothing more.
Paul is in a since screaming at us to not lose sight of who we are for the time is short! Weather Jesus returns today or not, we need to realize that there are people in this world who are dying and going to hell because they do not have the forgiveness God has offered in Jesus. How it must break the heart of our Father when we who are Christians interact with unbelievers in this world, and never once mention Jesus. To know we were right there, and we could have shared God’s love in Christ, but instead we walked away, saying nothing. Then to know that the same person will pass away and be lost to the Father forever! What sadness must grip His heart.
Paul’s point is that regardless of your situation in life, understand your first calling in life is to represent Christ to the people of this world. As those who know the love of God in Christ, we must not allow ourselves to be lulled into complacency about our world. Regardless of the struggles our society is having, or the political fights taking place, one thing remains constant, God wants to save the lost. There is no other way the people of this world are going to receive eternal life if the Church of today does not tell them about Jesus.
So in conclusion, in the midst of everyday life where demands are made upon your time, where relationships bring joy and sadness, and where simply put, life happens. Never lose sight of who you are and Whose you are! You are a child of God redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ and restored to your heavenly Father. He loves you and He trusts you to be the one to save this generation because you are part of this generation. So, seize the day and live as if this was the last day this world will exist. Come on! Let’s see how many we can save! In Jesus name!
Pastor Russ
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