Victory Over Death

He is Risen!  He is Risen Indeed!

Christ Jesus is alive and He reigns today victorious over the sin and death and He did all this out of His love for His Father and His love for us!

Why did Jesus have to die?  Why did He become like a man of the dust like us?  Because God cannot die!  The only way forgiveness of sins become possible for all people is for one man to live life free from sin and then become the sacrifice for all who were guilty.  This is why Jesus entered into this world.  Imagine it!  God stepped into history and became our Savior!

Jesus lived and then Jesus died!  His death was unlike any death the world had ever witnessed.  Every human being who had ever lived suffered the ultimate end of sin which is death.  Every human being who has ever been born into this world has died and their death was just and fair because sin deserves death!  The only exception to this truth which applies to all people is Jesus.
Jesus was born into this world as the only sinless human being ever born.  Adam was created as was Eve.  By the time their first born entered into this world sin had become a reality and Cain was born as a sinful human being which was clearly seen in his life.  Jesus was born apart from sin to deliver all of us who were in bondage to sin and death.

The death of Jesus upon the cross was a death which was totally unjust and unfair!  He was sinless and innocent.  He deserved glory not judgment.  He deserved to be praised not rejected. Yet on the cross He became what we are that we might become all that He is.   Hear Paul’s words.

What I am saying, brothers and sisters, is this: Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor can corruption inherit incorruption. Listen, I am telling you a mystery: We will not all fall asleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we will be changed.  For this corruptible body must be clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal body must be clothed with immortality. 
1 Corinthians 15:50-56

What is of this mortal world is under the bondage and corruption of sin.  What is of flesh and blood cannot be joined to that which is of heaven.  The kingdom of God is absolutely pure and holy because God is absolutely pure and holy.  God’s holiness is at the center of Who He is!  God’s holiness is not simply and attribute, but it is truly His essence.  Because He is holy and nothing unholy can ever be in His presence, it is impossible for anything of this sinful creation to be in the presence of God.  Sin must be eradicated if humanity is to be saved.  The cross is God’s answer for sin and the means by which human beings can be acceptable before Him.
Paul is stating in our text what he first said to the Christians in Thessalonica when he wrote to them of our future resurrection.  Here Paul states again that the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised.  The key for us to understand is that the resurrected body of each human being destined for heaven will not be like the body which was laid to rest.  The body was laid to rest as a result of sin and corruption. It was a mortal body, and it suffered the consequences of life in this broken world.

But when the trumpet sounds and the dead in Christ rise the mortal will become immortal and that which was corrupted will become holy!  Only then can a human being stand in the presence of our Holy God because only then will we be fully free from sin and holy.

When Jesus returns all the spirits of the saints which were taken to heaven at the moment of physical death will come back with Jesus to be reunited with the very same human body in which the spirit lived life in this world.  The resurrected body of each believer will come forth from the grave perfect and holy and then when spirit and body are reunited the child of God will stand in the presence of God forever.

Now there are all types of questions people ask.  What will we look like?  Answer, you will look like you!  You were created as a unique human being, and you will still be you.
How old will we be?  With a child who died still be a child?  If we die old, will we still be old?  Answer, God knows!  God is ageless and Adam was created as a mature adult on the first day of his life.  He was created to never age and never die.  This was God’s original plan!  Sin changed God intent and left us suffering and alone.  Christ and His cross is God’s answer to sin and it opens the way to restoration.  This said, there are some things yet to be revealed.

What we do know is that everything Jesus accomplished at the cross and when He walked forth from the tomb, He accomplished total victory over sin and death.  This victory is fully and completely shared with all who believed and even as Jesus was raised to live victoriously so all who believe in Him live in this total victory forever.
May we celebrate the victory of Jesus today and may we look forward to the fulfillment of the victory in our future with Jesus.

In Christ.  He is Risen!  He is Risen Indeed!
Pastor Russ

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