Focus On Jesus
God's grace be yours as we celebrate this New Year.
It seems rather amazing that 2024 is over. It seems as if the year simply flew by. But isn't that how it is with life in general. We get so wrapped up in what's going on around us we seem to lose track of time. But in truth, time is the greatest gift we have in this life. God has made us His children and we are here for a purpose. We're even told to redeem the time.
In the previous text the apostle Paul spoke of pressing on toward the goal of the upward call in Christ Jesus. In that text, he spoke of a conscious focus for our lives. It was his way of saying we are here for a purpose, and we need to make the most of the time that we have.
In our text today he speaks of our attitude and our way of life. Listen to the words he says, Therefore, all who are mature, let’s have this attitude; and if in anything you have a different attitude, God will reveal that to you as well; 16 however, let’s keep living by that same standard to which we have attained. Philippians 3:15-16
He begins by speaking of attitude. Those who are mature should have the attitude of pressing forward to obtaining the goal. What exactly is that goal? In the context Paul would seem to be addressing the fact that our goal is to be in eternity with God. We should not let anything hinder us from reaching and obtaining the goal of standing in the presence of God.
At the same time, there is a way we live until we do truly stand in His presence. It is here that Paul addresses our attitude. Attitude is defined as; “a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person's behavior.”
Our attitude is the way we think or feel about something which is reflected in how we live. If this is true, then our lives as the children of God should be a reflection of Jesus Christ in the world. The goal of reaching heaven is only achieved when we keep our eyes focused on Jesus as we journey every day toward eternity.
While this is the goal of all of God's people, it is not an easy one. Everything in this world directs us to focus on this world and not on Christ. And everything in our sinful nature moves us to focus on ourselves and what we want instead of what God desires for us.
This is why Paul speaks of those who are mature. Maturity is a tricky thing. We say when a young adult reaches graduation from high school and moves out on their own, they are mature. But we all know that is not true. We even witness young families who live their lives in a very immature way. We know maturity comes with both age and experience. We have even known people who have the age but not the experience and still act juvenile.
So, what is it that we as God's people need to mature? We need age, which is time living in our Christian faith. And we need experience, which is a growing connection with Jesus. We have seen the results in a person's life when these are lacking even in the church.
How many kids have been raised in the church, spent their lives in church on Sunday morning, only to move forward in their lives and rush headlong into all kinds of sinful living. Going through the motions of the Christian life will not suffice to accomplish maturity.
What is needed is a conscious focus, as Paul directed us previously, to live our lives focused on who Jesus is as our Savior, and what it means to live for Him every moment of every day. It is easy to say that we are Christian. It is a challenge to be a Christian in this world.
I have often said it, and many of you have heard it, “a person does not have to go to church to be a Christian. But as a Christian we get to go to church.” It is not attendance in church which makes one a believer. A Christian is one who has faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior. But as a Christian we need to be present where the things of God are present. We cannot get the gifts of God apart from the presence of God Himself. And where is it that God is present giving out His gifts? It is when God's people gather together around word and sacrament that God is present to bless His people.
The blessing we receive is the continual assurance of forgiveness, and all that we need to continue to strengthen our faith and mature in our relationship with Jesus. It is only as we are being strengthened that we are able to keep our focus on Christ as we live our lives in this fallen world.
Paul then says, “and if in anything you have a different attitude, God will reveal that to you as well.” There are many in our midst who do not have the maturity needed to live as a child of God in all that they do day by day. But God is working, and He will reveal His will to them. It is God's desire for His children to mature and learn what it means to trust in Him every moment of their lives. This is not an easy transition for most of us. To mature beyond trusting in ourselves and the things of this world to trust in Christ alone takes time, and encouragement from others, and the presence of God.
This itself is another gift from God as we gather together as His people to worship and celebrate Him. We are all standing together before the cross, and then walking forth into the world to live for Him. It is as we support and encourage one another that we enable each other to move beyond our mistakes, our sinfulness, and gain a new attitude and a new focus in life. It does not happen overnight, and every one of us obtains this understanding at a different rate. But we are to be there for one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.
It is my prayer as we move into this new year that we would stand together, support one another, encourage one another, and accomplish what God desires in our lives individually, and as a church.
May God glorify Himself in and through us.
Pastor Russ
It seems rather amazing that 2024 is over. It seems as if the year simply flew by. But isn't that how it is with life in general. We get so wrapped up in what's going on around us we seem to lose track of time. But in truth, time is the greatest gift we have in this life. God has made us His children and we are here for a purpose. We're even told to redeem the time.
In the previous text the apostle Paul spoke of pressing on toward the goal of the upward call in Christ Jesus. In that text, he spoke of a conscious focus for our lives. It was his way of saying we are here for a purpose, and we need to make the most of the time that we have.
In our text today he speaks of our attitude and our way of life. Listen to the words he says, Therefore, all who are mature, let’s have this attitude; and if in anything you have a different attitude, God will reveal that to you as well; 16 however, let’s keep living by that same standard to which we have attained. Philippians 3:15-16
He begins by speaking of attitude. Those who are mature should have the attitude of pressing forward to obtaining the goal. What exactly is that goal? In the context Paul would seem to be addressing the fact that our goal is to be in eternity with God. We should not let anything hinder us from reaching and obtaining the goal of standing in the presence of God.
At the same time, there is a way we live until we do truly stand in His presence. It is here that Paul addresses our attitude. Attitude is defined as; “a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person's behavior.”
Our attitude is the way we think or feel about something which is reflected in how we live. If this is true, then our lives as the children of God should be a reflection of Jesus Christ in the world. The goal of reaching heaven is only achieved when we keep our eyes focused on Jesus as we journey every day toward eternity.
While this is the goal of all of God's people, it is not an easy one. Everything in this world directs us to focus on this world and not on Christ. And everything in our sinful nature moves us to focus on ourselves and what we want instead of what God desires for us.
This is why Paul speaks of those who are mature. Maturity is a tricky thing. We say when a young adult reaches graduation from high school and moves out on their own, they are mature. But we all know that is not true. We even witness young families who live their lives in a very immature way. We know maturity comes with both age and experience. We have even known people who have the age but not the experience and still act juvenile.
So, what is it that we as God's people need to mature? We need age, which is time living in our Christian faith. And we need experience, which is a growing connection with Jesus. We have seen the results in a person's life when these are lacking even in the church.
How many kids have been raised in the church, spent their lives in church on Sunday morning, only to move forward in their lives and rush headlong into all kinds of sinful living. Going through the motions of the Christian life will not suffice to accomplish maturity.
What is needed is a conscious focus, as Paul directed us previously, to live our lives focused on who Jesus is as our Savior, and what it means to live for Him every moment of every day. It is easy to say that we are Christian. It is a challenge to be a Christian in this world.
I have often said it, and many of you have heard it, “a person does not have to go to church to be a Christian. But as a Christian we get to go to church.” It is not attendance in church which makes one a believer. A Christian is one who has faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior. But as a Christian we need to be present where the things of God are present. We cannot get the gifts of God apart from the presence of God Himself. And where is it that God is present giving out His gifts? It is when God's people gather together around word and sacrament that God is present to bless His people.
The blessing we receive is the continual assurance of forgiveness, and all that we need to continue to strengthen our faith and mature in our relationship with Jesus. It is only as we are being strengthened that we are able to keep our focus on Christ as we live our lives in this fallen world.
Paul then says, “and if in anything you have a different attitude, God will reveal that to you as well.” There are many in our midst who do not have the maturity needed to live as a child of God in all that they do day by day. But God is working, and He will reveal His will to them. It is God's desire for His children to mature and learn what it means to trust in Him every moment of their lives. This is not an easy transition for most of us. To mature beyond trusting in ourselves and the things of this world to trust in Christ alone takes time, and encouragement from others, and the presence of God.
This itself is another gift from God as we gather together as His people to worship and celebrate Him. We are all standing together before the cross, and then walking forth into the world to live for Him. It is as we support and encourage one another that we enable each other to move beyond our mistakes, our sinfulness, and gain a new attitude and a new focus in life. It does not happen overnight, and every one of us obtains this understanding at a different rate. But we are to be there for one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.
It is my prayer as we move into this new year that we would stand together, support one another, encourage one another, and accomplish what God desires in our lives individually, and as a church.
May God glorify Himself in and through us.
Pastor Russ
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