Gender Roles in Christianity
January 4th, 2024
Greetings!  Welcome to the new year!  We begin this year with the most challenging of all the topics we have addressed!  May God give us wisdom and insight to understand His Word and follow His will!L...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
Clergy Humility
December 28th, 2023
God’s grace and mercy be yours as we prepare to enter into a new year. We are in the one great in-between week!  I realize there may be only a few who take the time to read this article because of the...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
A Christmas Story
December 21st, 2023
                                                             One Christmas Eve, Long Ago                                                                     A Story of ChristmasThe old man sat in his ...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
Clergy Accountability
December 14th, 2023
Blessings to you as we move ever more closely to the celebration of Christmas.  We are only ten days from Christmas Eve!  Yay!Christmas is a wonderful time in the church!  So many visitors and with th...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
The Purpose of the Church
December 7th, 2023
God's peace be with you on this very significant day in history.Well, as we find ourselves only 2 1/2 weeks away from the celebration of Christmas, December 7th has a whole history of its own. It seem...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
Carriers of the Message
November 30th, 2023
Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.It is important that we understand that Jesus is Lord! The Church which He established through the shedding of His blood and His resurrection is “...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
Thanksgiving Day With The Pilgrims
November 23rd, 2023
God's blessings to you on this great Thanksgiving Day.I'm not sure many will actually read this article on the day I send it out, because it is after all Thanksgiving Day.  But if you are reading this...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
Guard Your Faith
November 16th, 2023
Grace, Peace, and Mercy be yours this day in our Lord Jesus Christ!Well, are we tired of this topic yet?  We are once again addressing the topic of “tongues” or “speaking in tongues” in the church.  T...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
Understandable Gifts
November 9th, 2023
Greetings, my brothers and sisters in Christ,Today we continue to receive clarification from Paul concerning the proper use of the spiritual gifts which are given to us by the Lord. He is specifically...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
The Gift of Prophesy
November 2nd, 2023
Grace and peace be yours on this first week of November.Today we move beyond the discussion of love in chapter 13 to how true love is to play itself out in the life and ministry of the Church.  Forgiv...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
Love is the Greatest
October 26th, 2023
God's grace and blessings be yours this day.The text we have before us today are the concluding words of one of the most well-known chapters of the Bible. As I stated when we began this chapter, first...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
When The Perfect Comes . . .
October 19th, 2023
God's grace to you upon this day.We find ourselves today facing a text which is often misunderstood and has been taught in various ways throughout the history of the Church. Here's the text before we ...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut