To Die For Us
March 28th, 2024
Three days!  Three days to fully understand the life given to us by God!God’s grace be yours as we find ourselves in the most holy week of our lives, remembering the most holy and most tragic week in ...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
Resurrection Victory
March 21st, 2024
Grace to you, and peace from God our Father and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.We are quickly approaching the most significant event in human history!  In just ten short days the world will once ag...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
We Proclaim The Resurrection
March 14th, 2024
God’s grace and peace be yours on this great day of the Lord!We are only a little over two weeks away from our great day of celebration.  The resurrection of Jesus from the dead marks the victory of G...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
Christ Our Hope In Life And Death
March 7th, 2024
God’s grace to you in Christ Jesus our Lord!In our text today Paul continues to make his case to the Christians in Corinth, some of whom are teaching and believing that there is no resurrection from t...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
Standing in the Victory of Jesus
February 29th, 2024
God's grace and peace be upon us today as we delve into a challenging text.This verse which we have before us today is one which is easily taken out of context and used to deceive many and lead them i...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
Jesus Shall Reign Supreme
February 22nd, 2024
God's grace and peace be yours today!The apostle Paul takes us from the empty tomb to the end of time in a mad dash. He has just affirmed the resurrection, and the truth that the resurrection of Jesus...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
Resurrection LIfe
February 15th, 2024
Greetings and I trust you had a wonderful Valentine's Day celebration with those you love.It really is all about love isn't it. Not the love that we see so often in the world, the kind of love that sa...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
Denial of the Resurrection Equals Eternal Death
February 8th, 2024
May God be merciful and grant us ears to hear and hearts to believe the truth He reveals today.I'm going to start off by being just a little bit controversial. There are some doctrines within the Chri...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
False Teachers
February 1st, 2024
God's grace and peace be with you as we endure the dark short days of winter.The dead of winter is an appropriate image for physical death. All the green is gone, the trees are bare, and there is no f...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
January 25th, 2024
Today, may the God of grace teach you anew the right understanding of the forgiveness you have in Christ!Today we continue our discussion of 1 Corinthians chapter 15, the great resurrection chapter.  ...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
No Resurrection = No Life
January 18th, 2024
Blessings as we move to the heart of Paul and the word of encouragement he has for us!I have shared with you on numerous occasions through this series that Paul is responding to questions he has been ...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
Order in the Church
January 11th, 2024
Greetings, and may the blessings of almighty God be upon you this wonderful day!Today we turn our attention to the closing words of Paul in chapter 14 of 1 Corinthians.  He has spent a great deal of t...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut