I Thank My God
June 13th, 2024
May the joy of your salvation be manifested in your life today!As we begin to delve into this wonderful letter of the Apostle Paul, it is important that we seek to gain and understanding of his purpos...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
Philippians - To Live Is Christ
June 6th, 2024
God's grace be yours as we begin a new journey together. We turn our attention for the foreseeable future to the book of Philippians and we hear the encouraging words the apostle Paul speaks to us.The...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
God's Grace Is Sufficient For Us
May 30th, 2024
God is Good, All The Time, and All the Time God is Good!Twenty-nine months is a long time!  We could have waited on three babies to be born during this length of time.  Our children have celebrated ...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
Couriers for Christ
May 23rd, 2024
God’s mercy be yours and may His grace abound in your life!We are very close to the end of this epistle of Paul.  He is writing his concluding remarks to the church at Corinth and expressing his gr...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
Be On Your Guard
May 16th, 2024
God’s grace be yours as we hear words of powerful encouragement from the pen of the Apostle Paul today!Paul is down to his closing thoughts as he writes his letter responding to the church in Corint...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
Being A Servant of God
May 9th, 2024
Grace and peace be yours in Christ Jesus our Lord!Today we are drawing very close to the end of our journey through Paul’s first letter to the Corinthian church.  As we come close to the end, we fi...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
Pentecost - Gifts of the Spirit
May 2nd, 2024
May God grant you great joy as the new life of Spring comes forward to remind us of the new life God gives to us through the Spirit!Sometimes we lose sight of how tied we are to the Old Testament and ...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
Happy Anniversary
April 25th, 2024
God’s wonderful, merciful, faithful, grace be multiplied to you today!Let me be the first to say, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!  Oh, you didn’t remember?  You forgot!  Well, that’s ok!  We are so amazi...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
Steadfast and Immovable
April 18th, 2024
God's grace be yours in Christ Jesus our Lord!We find ourselves today three weeks beyond our celebration of Easter. The proclamation, “He is risen, He is risen indeed” is still the message we proc...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
Death's Grave
April 11th, 2024
Jesus is Risen!  He is Risen Indeed!God’s grace and peace be your as we continue our celebration of the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ.The Easter Season of the Church lasts for the full f...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
Victory Over Death
April 4th, 2024
He is Risen!  He is Risen Indeed!Christ Jesus is alive and He reigns today victorious over the sin and death and He did all this out of His love for His Father and His love for us!Why did Jesus have ...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut
To Die For Us
March 28th, 2024
Three days!  Three days to fully understand the life given to us by God!God’s grace be yours as we find ourselves in the most holy week of our lives, remembering the most holy and most tragic week ...  Read More
by Russ Nebhut